Theatre Company

Mitch and Murray Productions is a seventeen-time Jessie Richardson award nominee.  Previous productions include AN INTERVENTION and SNOWFLAKE by Mike Bartlett, INSTANTANEOUS BLUE by Aaron Craven, LUNGS by Duncan Macmillan and BODY AWARENESS by Annie Baker.

Everything the company has produced to date has been thought-provoking, edgy, razor sharp, caustically funny and entertaining in a through-the-wringer sort of way.  Mitch and Murray Productions doesn’t mess around. – Jo Ledingham, Vancouver Courier

I’m grateful to Mitch and Murray Productions, which consistently mounts intelligent, adventuresome work. – Colin Thomas, The Georgia Straight

Mitch and Murray Productions is a force to be reckoned with. – Jerry Wasserman, Vancouver Sun

The epitome of entertaining, meaningful and beautifully crafted theatre. – Christine Pilgrim, Vancouver Presents